How To Have Phone Cam Sex

How To Have Phone Cam Sex

By: Karsun
Break Studios Contributing Writer
It's not that difficult to know how to have phone cam sex, it just takes the right equipment and a little imagination in order to have a satisfying and fun time. Phone cam sex lets you actually get to see the other person at the same time you are talking to them. Here are a few tips to get you started on learning how to have phone cam sex.
To have phone cam sex you will need:
  • Cell phone with phone cam capabilities
  1. Test out your equipment. In order to be sure that everything will go as planned you need to first be sure that your phone is functioning properly. Check the connection to on your phone and the phone cam visibility to your partner or another person that can be used to make sure it is working fine. Faulty equipment can mean the end of an erotic phone cam sex session.
  2. Have the right environment. Make sure your area is free from any distractions or unsavory environment such as kiddie toys, pets or even a dirty house. You want your partner on the other end of the phone cam to be free from distractions as well so make sure your area is cleaned up and titillating if they are able to see any background area.
  3. Have props available. If you plan to utilize sex toys, certain outfits or lubrication during your phone cam sex session, be sure you have all of that available before you start. It can put a damper on the fun if you have to stop to retrieve these items.
  4. Don't be shy.  Part of the fun of having phone cam sex is getting to see each other as if you were right there together. Look your partner in the eye and feel free to act out your wildest fantasies together. Phone cam sex can be just as much fun as one-on-one sex if you let your inhibitions go.
  5. Have fun and let your fantasies run wild. The whole point of phone cam sex is to enjoy the experience while getting to see each other at the same time. The visual aspect just makes it more fun. Let yourself go. If you are feeling a little inhibited just close your eyes and pretend you are all alone. Your partner will enjoy seeing you experience everything as if they were right there with you.
The most important thing to remember is to have fun. As long as your equipment is working fine and you let your fantasies run wild, you can act out your favorite role play while actually seeing the other person during a phone cam sex session. It's not hard to learn how to have phone cam sex, it just takes imagination and the freedom of letting yourself experience someone else watching you.